I went out my front door this morning to go for a walk and I took a gander at my front yard. It is springtime and many of the bushes and plants are flowering. We have opted against using herbicide so our yard is home to a variety of beautiful wildflowers. However, the word got out to the weeds about this safe haven, and they dot the landscape as well.
I postponed my daily jaunt and took a few minutes to pull weeds. This has been a learning experience for me as there are quite a variety of weeds in the yard. At first it was difficult for me to distinguish between a wildflower and a weed. Sadly, I must confess that a few desert daisies, lupine and penstamine suffered an early demise due to my horticultural ignorance.
While I was weed plucking it occurred to me that my thoughts are a lot like the vegetation in my yard. There are plants that provide beauty, shade and inspiration. And then there are the weeds. If left unnoticed, the weeds can choke the life out of some of the other helpful plants. However, we have a home owner's association, so I know it would never come to that. The more likely scenario is we would get a notice about the weeds, followed by a fine.
Interestingly enough, a lot of weeds are easy to distinguish. Just like ugly thoughts, speech and actions, they have bristly stems and leaves that hurt others when they come too close. Their nastiness serves as a form of protection. I have heard individuals defend their negativity in a similar way. A thorny disposition can become a barrier to keep people at bay.
Weeds, like nasty thoughts, speech and actions, will multiply if left unchecked. That is why it's best to learn to distinguish the naughty little buggers early on and get rid of them before they turn into towering trees.
However, a negative mindset, like some weeds, can be difficult to identify. Gardening and cultivating healthy thoughts, speech and actions takes work. However, over time, if you work at it, you will see a positive result.
Here is an excerpt from our book, Erase Negativity and Embrace the Magic Within.
Your wishes, good, bad or indifferent, become your brain's programming. So why not try for something that will bring you joy? That does not mean that everything wonderful you wish for will instantly become reality. But if you surround yourself with positive thoughts and begin a course of action to achieve the things you want in life, you will move your life in a happier direction.
The first step in erasing negativity is by transforming thoughts, words and actions from negative to positive. Each thought, however fleeting, each word and the intent behind it, as well as our daily actions have certain repercussions. Whether or not you believe in the laws of karma is really unimportant. The result is the same. Negative thoughts penetrate the mind and slowly start to color one's perspective of the world.
Disparaging thoughts can spread like a cancer and slip into your speech, and eventually manifest in unproductive and harmful actions. Many individuals, especially those who have suffered a loss, are largely unaware of how negative they have become. It is a habit. And habits, if not changed, become a way of life.
Confucius said:
Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
Each of us is in charge of our own destiny. We can work to cultivate a positive outlook, or we can adopt a victim mindset and let weeds of negativity take root in our lives.
Remember, erasing negativity is no walk through the park. It's like weeding a garden. It takes work, but it becomes easier over time. The choice is yours. Either way, please remember: You reap what you sow.
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